Troubleshooting: Cellular Signal Loss for Your Benbengo Tracker

At Benbengo, we understand how crucial it is for your GPS tracker to provide accurate and timely updates. Our trackers are designed to perform optimally in areas with strong cellular coverage and an unobstructed view of the sky. However, it's normal to occasionally experience signal loss, especially in certain environments. If your tracker shows as offline or displays "No GPS" for an extended period, don’t worry—here’s a simple guide to help you get it back online.

Quick Steps to Restore Cellular Signal

  1. Ensure the Tracker is Powered On

    • Before troubleshooting, make sure your tracker is switched on.
  2. Perform a Reset

    • Press and hold the Power button (the small button on the side of the device) for 15 seconds.
    • Release the button. 
    • Wait for about a minute for the reset process to complete.
    • Turn the device back on. 

After completing these steps, your tracker should reconnect to the network and resume normal operation. If the issue persists, it could be because temporary network issue nearby, try the device in a different area or just wait for a couple of hours and try again, if still nothing works, send us an email and we will help you accordingly. 

By following these simple steps, you can quickly restore your Benbengo GPS tracker to full functionality.